Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Caving in to Necessity!

Necessity, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is the quality or state of being necessary.  By stretching the meaning of "necessary," I think I can justify beginning a new project before finishing others since it falls into the category of caps made by the women of Moreland Presbyterian Church.  After all, I consider my caps an ongoing project. 

Next week Bob and I have a two-day exhibit for our music stand busines, Noteworthy Music Stands, and that includes some down time when I can't bear to have idle hands. So, methinks it's OK to start a new cap and maybe even begin a second in the process.  WHEW -- my conscience is clear.  It always helps to talk it through! 


  1. Love the blog! Thanks for validating my need to start a new project (sweater for self - the first ever!) before completing another. :)

    BTW, Happy Knits on Hawthorne is having a sale tomorrow and Sunday - ALL yarn 15% off; selected yarn up to 40% off!

  2. Courtne, happy to have validated your new project! Can't wait to see.

    Happy Knits . . . sale . . . hmmmmm! Mustn't, mustn't, mustn't. :(
