Saturday, February 20, 2010

Behind in Posting

I've fallen behind in posting . . . because of lots of things.  First, my love of teaching children at our church has added a Tuesday night lesson each week and will run through the 9th of March.  Secondly, I've been working on lots of things around home getting ready for a visit from my MOPS moms next week.  In the midst of all this, I managed to take a nasty tumble on our patio last Wednesday, ending up for four hours in the ER!  No breaks or tears, just a nasty deep bruising injury, lots of swelling, lots of pain and stiffness.  This is keeping me in my recliner with my left leg propped up and iced a good part of the time, so lots of knitting and reading can be done but not lots of time at the computer . . . until today.  I love writing here but lately time hasn't allowed.  I hope what I write makes a difference out there for someone.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Splurged!

For years, I've looked longingly at the Denise Interchangeable Knitting Needle Kits, and I had difficulty in justifying purchasing them.  I mean when I looked at all the knitting needles and combinations of knitting needles I owned, did I need more?  Silly girl!  Of course, I did, and when I lucked upon a brand new set of the Denise needles on ebay for a really good price, I decided the time was now.  I just moved my afghan project onto the new needles and I am thrilled.  The seller on ebay was a great gal whose shop is called Red Barn Farm.  Shipping was prompt, good price and free shipping on the needles.  I couldn't be a happier knitter.